Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monster Hunter Tri: The Game that Eats Time!

(The game that eats time)

Quick Brew Info:
Monster Hunter 3 has crossed one million "Total Hours" reported played this week.
It took Monster Hunter 3 approximately 63 days from its release, to cross the one million hours mark.
For comparison, The Conduit took approximately 182 days from its release, to cross the one million hours mark.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex took approximately 105 days from its release, to cross the one million "Total Hours" mark.

(click photo to enlarge)

Approx. Number of Players Reporting Data:
Monster Hunter 3 has 23,260 players reporting their play-time data.

Player Increase Since Last Report:
Monster Hunter 3 had an increase of 4,227 more players reporting their play-time data, since the data was reported 2-weeks ago.

"Total" Game-Play Hours Reported/Increased:
Monster Hunter 3 has 1,229,209 Total Hours reported, an increase of 389,518 hours over the last 2-week period.

Amazon.com Sale Ranks & Advertised Prices:
Monster Hunter 3's Amazon.com sale rank is #320 and the current selling price is $49.95.
This is the first week I can recall the game's price not being at least 46.99, and Amazon.com raising the price to $49.95.

GameRankings.com Review Score Averages:
Monster Hunter 3's review score average is now 85.00%, based on 46 reviews.

Monster Hunter 3 gained one review in its average since 2 weeks ago, lowering its average from 85.33%.

(It will suck your life and your time away!)

The average number of hours per person being reported already, I still find crazy.

Its average hours played "per person" has now passed games like Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex, Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

The only Wii games currently ahead of Monster Hunter 3 as of average hours played "per person", are: Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Animal Crossing: City Folk, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, and Harvest Moon: Animal Parade.

Are you still playing Monster Hunter 3?  If so, and I have not hunted with you online, what times do you normally play?
Also, what are your total game-play hours for Monster Hunter Tri?
Currently, mine are 55 Hours 30 Minutes.

If you have not purchased Monster Hunter 3, you can see new and used prices for the game on Amazon.com below.  Join the hunts!


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