I included in a paragraph, "If you would like to issue a reply to me directly, my email is CoffeewithGames@gmail.com."
Well, I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened my email and saw a response from Mr. Pachter himself!
I had shown in my original post, three points I thought Mr. Pachter was incorrect about in one of his statements.
One thing Mr. Pachter had said, I disagreed with was, 'Unlike the PS3, with multiple high-profile exclusives and the newly-announced Move Controller, and the Xbox 360, with Project Natal, the Wii lacks an important upcoming catalyst."
I said in response to that, "We don't know if Nintendo will show anything new this year at E3, but we do know they'll be showing the Wii Vitality Sensor, which was first shown at last year's E3.
I think Mr. Pachter again is dismissing or ignoring something coming to the Wii, that may very well be '...an important catalyst...' for the system."
What did Mr. Pachter say in response to that in the email, about the Wii Vitality Sensor being a possible catalyst?
Mr. Pachter said, "We can agree to disagree about the Wii Vitality Sensor. It looks tremendously stupid to me, but I'm sure I'm not the target market."
I'll be posting Mr. Pachter's other responses within the next week*.
Do you think Mr. Pachter is correct in dismissing the Wii Vitality Sensor, and not seeing it as a possible catalyst for the Wii, compared to Sony's Move and Microsoft's Project Natal?
Picture of Mr. Pachter from http://www.gameinvestmentconference.com/speaker_bio.php?ind=1.